
as of the end of July Learn more about as of the end of July

  • 10.5% of ancestral chickens were eliminated by the end of July.

    10.5% of ancestral chickens were eliminated by the end of July.

    By the end of July, the national ancestral chicken production reduction work advocated by the China White Feather Broiler Alliance has been successfully completed, and various ancestral chicken enterprises have actively called on them to eliminate their ancestral chickens in proportion, and most enterprises have overfulfilled their tasks. the total amount of production reduction accounts for 10% of the production column.

    2016-03-20 By the end of the month the whole country ancestors chickens elimination 10.5% as of the end of July
  • The planting area of vegetables decreased slightly at the end of July and the supply was guaranteed in August.

    The planting area of vegetables decreased slightly at the end of July and the supply was guaranteed in August.

    According to the monitoring of the vegetable production Information Network of the Ministry of Agriculture, vegetable supply decreased in July compared with the same period last year and month-on-month, while wholesale prices rose year-on-year and remained flat. In August, vegetable supply is expected to be guaranteed on the whole, and wholesale prices are steadily rising. The supply of vegetables enters the summer light in July.

    2016-01-10 At the end of the month vegetables planting area slightly reduced August supply due according to
  • The technology of preventing and controlling walnut limb moth

    The technology of preventing and controlling walnut limb moth

    Techniques for preventing and controlling walnut lifting moth 1 morphological characteristics and occurrence regularity of walnut lifting moth belong to Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera. Scientific name: Atrijuglanshetaohei Yang, also known as walnut black. Distributed in Henan, Hebei, Beijing, Shan.

  • When will the cherries ripen?

    When will the cherries ripen?

    When will the cherries ripen?

  • 1 minute to read what time to grow and what vegetables to grow.

    1 minute to read what time to grow and what vegetables to grow.

    Some vegetable planting schedules in southern China, sowing time, sowing time, harvest time, corn fruits, spring and summer sowing, 60-90 days after sowing, harvest corn spring in the field.

  • Why is the fishmeal market sluggish again in peak season?

    Why is the fishmeal market sluggish again in peak season?

    Now that it is in early July, the fishmeal market will also enter the annual peak consumption season. However, judging from the current situation of both supply and demand of fishmeal, this year's fishmeal market may continue to perform the spell of sluggish peak season. In the two years of 2013 and 2014, July

    2016-01-10 Fishmeal market why again peak season not prosperous now already
  • When will Luohe grape ripen?

    When will Luohe grape ripen?

    Grape is a common fruit in China, every summer when the major markets begin to appear on the market, some specially buy a lot to go home to drink wine, then Luohe grape when to mature? When will the Luohe grape ripen? Luohe grapes are usually grown from July to October.

    2020-11-08 Luohe grape when ripe yes our country common
  • When will the latest cherries ripen?

    When will the latest cherries ripen?

    On the Internet, it is common for people to ask when cherries will ripen. I think they all want to be ready to taste the first delicious cherries on the market. In fact, cherries of different producing areas and varieties have different seasons of maturity and listing. In fact, it is the season for a large number of cherries to be on the market.

    2020-11-10 The latest cherry when mature online common someone asked
  • Jinnan District Agriculture and Forestry Bureau reminds cotton farmers to master the management techniques of cotton flowering and boll stage.

    Jinnan District Agriculture and Forestry Bureau reminds cotton farmers to master the management techniques of cotton flowering and boll stage.

    The flowering and boll period of cotton in Tianjin generally begins in early July and ends at the end of August, which lasts 55 days. According to the survey, most of the cotton fields in our district have entered the flowering and boll stage. The field management of flower and boll stage is very important, which is the most exuberant period of cotton growth and development, a period of complex contradictions between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, individuals and groups, cotton crops and environment, so it is a period to determine yield. The cotton field management in this period should pay attention to the following key aspects: 1. Increase the application of potash fertilizer.

  • When to plant garlic? Can you grow garlic in July?

    When to plant garlic? Can you grow garlic in July?

    When to plant garlic? Can you grow garlic in July? Garlic sowing time needs to vary from region to region, and garlic in the growth process, water demand is relatively large, the whole growth period generally needs to be watered 4 times. Today, I will share with you in detail when garlic is sown and big.

    2020-11-09 What when interplanting garlic July can planting what
  • Planting technique of vegetable little ginseng-spring radish

    Planting technique of vegetable little ginseng-spring radish

    Planting technique of vegetable little ginseng-spring radish

  • Reveal the secret: how to change the temporary storage policy of corn market in 2015?

    Reveal the secret: how to change the temporary storage policy of corn market in 2015?

    The domestic corn market is very hurt this year, as an old saying goes: grandma doesn't love my uncle! Corn prices, which should have been supported by temporary storage acquisitions, began to show a volatile downward trend in April, and last year's soaring market is gone forever. Prices have fallen since July.

    2016-01-10 Reveal the secret 2015 corn market war temporary storage policy in the end
  • Attention should be paid to the control of chestnut gall wasp this year.

    Attention should be paid to the control of chestnut gall wasp this year.

    Chestnut gall wasp, also known as chestnut tumor wasp, is the main pest that harms Chinese chestnut, which occurs almost every year in Chinese chestnut producing areas, but it is particularly serious this year. The injured rate of big trees, especially old barren trees that can not be pruned, is up to 100%. It is urgent to control chestnut gall wasp. The chestnut gall wasp occurs one generation a year and overwinters as the first instar larvae in the killed chestnut buds. In Yanshan mountain area, the overwintering larvae begin to feed actively in the germination period in mid-April and grow rapidly. In early May, galls form in the shoot and leaf expansion stage, and most of the gall tumors are at the top of the new branches.

  • When will the "poor doctor" cauliflower be planted? How to grow high yield? How much do you earn from planting an acre?

    When will the

    Cauliflower, also known as kale, cauliflower and cauliflower, is a common vegetable in China. It is very popular because of its high vitamins and mineral elements. At present, it is grown in many areas of our country.

  • Key points of cultivation techniques of spring radish

    Key points of cultivation techniques of spring radish

    Choose a good seed. Select varieties with short growth period, strong cold tolerance, late bolting and not easy to hollow. At present, there are many radish varieties suitable for spring cultivation, such as Baiyuchun, Chunbaiyu, Spring radish 9646 and Changchun big root. Prepare the land to make beds. Choose the land with loose soil and apply 3000 mu of rotten organic fertilizer.

  • Soft-shelled turtle-rice rotation model

    Soft-shelled turtle-rice rotation model

    Generally, after raising soft-shelled turtles for 2 or 3 years, one season of rice is planted. The young soft-shelled turtles were released in the middle of May. The size of the young soft-shelled turtles was about 180g, and the stocking density was 500g / mu ~ 1000 / mu. They were fed with soft-shelled turtle formula feed with fresh fish, caught before the end of July of the following year, and then planted late rice from the end of July to the beginning of August. In the process of feeding, in addition to clearing the pond with quicklime and other drugs for disinfection, chemical drugs such as antibiotics and chlorine preparations are not used, and Chinese herbal medicines such as Banlangen are often used in disease prevention. On Rice cultivation techniques

  • A list of blooming and fruiting time of all kinds of fruit trees, quick collection!

    A list of blooming and fruiting time of all kinds of fruit trees, quick collection!

    Fruit trees refer to trees with edible fruit, such as apple trees, pear trees, citrus trees, apricot trees, peach trees and so on. When do all kinds of fruit trees blossom and bear fruit? Now for you to organize as follows: Apple trees: generally planted for 3 years after fruiting, flowering

    2020-11-09 All kinds fruit trees blossom and fruit time list speed collection
  • What are the precocious oranges that mature in July?

    What are the precocious oranges that mature in July?

    Citrus is a common kind of fruit in the market, which is very popular with consumers because of its many varieties and affordable prices. If divided according to the ripening time, citrus can be divided into early-maturing, middle-maturing and late-maturing varieties, usually called early-maturing varieties in or before early October. That's for sure,

    2020-11-27 July mature precocious citrus have which yes market
  • What are the nectarine varieties that mature in July?

    What are the nectarine varieties that mature in July?

    Summer is the season when nectarines are abundant and the sales of nectarines are very prosperous. Nectarines are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, sugar, organic acid and protein. The peel is very smooth and the flavor of food is strong. Regular consumption can heal the wound very well. Food price

    2020-11-27 July ripe nectarine varieties which summer are
  • Greater Heat's mid-term management techniques for solar terms cotton production

    Greater Heat's mid-term management techniques for solar terms cotton production

    To promote mainly, promote the combination of control, so as to control large seedlings, promote small seedlings, supplement weak seedlings, promote the transformation of weak seedlings, achieve balanced growth of strong seedlings, and set up high-yield shelves as soon as possible. Scientific fertilizer and water management is early and stable application of bud fertilizer. It is necessary to apply bud fertilizer to weak seedlings early, generally mastering the application of urea 5-7 kg per mu, cake fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer 25-50 kg each. Second, early and heavy application of flower and boll fertilizer. Generally at the end of early July, when there are 1 or 2 big peaches in the lower part of the cotton plant, topdressing is carried out and 15kg urea is applied per mu. The third is to apply top fertilizer.
